Saturday, October 16, 2010

Time to start reading

So, I go through phases with reading.  When I am reading... I love it!  Usually I'll read 2 or 3 books and then get busy and stop reading.  I want to start reading again and have something to help me stick with it.  So far I have really enjoyed blogging about my travels.  Now I am going to blog about what I am reading and what I think about it.  I don't know exactly how it is going to work.. whether I'll read one book at a time or more.  But I am going to start with a book by Paulo Coelho.  I have read it before.  It means a lot to me and a lot to some good friends as well.  I'll post what pages I read that day... how i felt about it... maybe some similar experiences.. who knows?  Anyway.... feel free to read along and share your comments... I'd love it.

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